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Huawei self-developed storage exposure!
Release Time:2024-3-27 10:29:02

Huawei recently exposed a disruptive self-developed storage technology, which is reportedly called "magnetoelectric" storage technology innovation will completely change the data storage industry landscape. This technology, known as magnetoelectric disketeers (MED), has achieved unprecedented breakthroughs in speed, energy efficiency and capacity.

First, the new technology performs well in terms of energy efficiency. It is reported that the power consumption per PB is only 71W, compared with the traditional magnetic hard disk drive (HDD), energy saving up to 90%, which will save a lot of energy costs for data centers and large enterprises, and is of great significance for energy conservation and environmental protection.

Second, in terms of performance, Huawei expects the MED performance per rack to reach a staggering 8GB/s, which is 2.5 times the performance of traditional tape devices, which will greatly improve the data migration speed of the data center, making it more efficient when processing large-scale data.

Most remarkably, despite offering huge storage capacity, the MED system consumes only 2 kilowatts. First-generation MED devices are expected to provide approximately 24 terabytes of capacity per "disk," enabling a rack system to accumulate more than 10 petabytes of data, which will meet the needs of large enterprises and data centers for mass storage.

For Huawei's upcoming magnetoelectric storage products, industry analysts said that this may be the use of magnetoelectric coupling effect to achieve electric field driven magnetic flip to build ultra-low energy consumption products. The traditional semiconductor storage industry has been dominated by overseas companies, and Huawei's move is expected to provide an opportunity for China to achieve technological breakthroughs in the storage industry.

However, at present, "magnetoelectric storage" as a newly proposed technical scheme, has not yet formed a unified industry standard, its specific connotation and extension still need to be further clarified. In addition, the commercialization of the technology still faces many challenges and needs to overcome many technical obstacles.

In general, the exposure of Huawei's self-developed "magnetoelectric" storage technology marks the continuous improvement of China's technical strength in the storage field, and is expected to accelerate the independent development of China's storage industry. With the further improvement and commercialization of the technology, this innovation is expected to win a greater voice for China in the global storage market and lay a solid foundation for the arrival of the digital economy era.

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