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Promote the coordinated and intensive construction of the "dual gigabit" network ...

IT Home reported on May 25 that it learned from the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology that recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the National Health Commission, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the General Administration of Sport of China, the National Energy Administration Fourteen departments including China Railway Co., Ltd. jointly issued the Implementation Opinions on Further Deepening the Joint Construction and Sharing of Telecommunication Infrastructure to Promote the High Quality Development of "Double Gigabit" Networks (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Opinions), deploying and promoting a new round of joint construction and sharing of telecommunication infrastructure.

The Implementation Opinions clearly state that it is necessary to further strengthen the strategic, fundamental, and leading public infrastructure attributes of telecommunications infrastructure, coordinate the coordinated development of telecommunications infrastructure systems and local, incremental and existing, intra industry and inter industry, etc. By 2025, the mechanism for co construction and sharing of telecommunications infrastructure will be continuously improved, the "dual gigabit" network construction environment will be further optimized, and positive progress will be made in sorting out rural poles and lines, Cross industry co construction and sharing have been deepened and expanded, and digital means have been effectively guaranteed. The level of co construction and sharing of telecommunications infrastructure has steadily improved, effectively saving social resources.

The Implementation Opinions have deployed six key tasks for the new round of telecommunications infrastructure co construction and sharing, and proposed four column projects:

One is to promote the coordinated and intensive construction of the "dual gigabit" network. Give full play to the leading role of planning, strengthen the effective connection between the special planning of communication infrastructure and national strategic planning, national spatial planning, and regulatory detailed planning, strengthen the coordination of the construction needs of 5G base station sites, machine rooms, and indoor distribution systems, strictly implement the co construction and sharing process of facilities such as poles, pipelines, machine rooms, optical cables, and base station access transmission lines, support the co construction and sharing of 5G access networks, and promote 5G cross network roaming.

The second is to deepen the joint entry of the "dual gigabit" network. Strictly implement the construction standards for communication supporting facilities in newly built residential areas, residential buildings, commercial buildings, and public buildings, promote the unified coordination and construction of 5G base station sites, computer rooms, and indoor distribution systems in key locations, and ensure equal access to gigabit optical networks. Carry out the "dual gigabit" network joint development project, establish a list of key locations, and promote the joint entry of 5G networks; Establish a list of residential areas, residential buildings, and commercial buildings with no or only one basic telecommunications operation enterprise broadband network access, promote the joint entry of broadband networks, and significantly improve the coverage level of gigabit optical networks.

The third is to strengthen the maintenance and sorting of rural communication poles and cables. Establish and improve a mechanism for co construction, sharing, and maintenance of rural telecommunications infrastructure, encourage basic telecommunications operating enterprises to promote the co construction and sharing of rural pole and road cables through models such as cable management in the same trench, cable distribution in the same pole, cable distribution in the same cable, fiber core replacement, and renting fiber cores. Strengthen the management of existing poles and lines, timely identify and rectify illegal installation of pole and road cables, and remove and clean up abandoned lines and towers. We will carry out the rural pole line co governance and maintenance project. By the end of 2025, various regions will complete a batch of illegal installation and rectification of communication lines in administrative villages every year, creating a standardized construction benchmark and forming a demonstration effect.

Fourth, encourage cross industry openness and sharing. Sort out and establish a list of cross industry infrastructure resource sharing needs, strengthen coordination and communication between departments such as power, municipal, highway, railway, and communication based on the list, promote the opening and sharing of facilities and resources such as towers, pipelines, pipe galleries, tunnels, optical cables, and computer rooms in a reasonable and fair market-oriented manner, and fully leverage the role of communication networks in empowering various industries. Efforts will be made to integrate various tower resources, build smart towers and supporting facilities, and promote "multi use of one pole" and "multi use of one tower". Carry out cross industry sharing demonstration projects, and by the end of 2025, various regions will effectively ensure the sharing of infrastructure needs in key areas and important lines of relevant industries. The satisfaction rate of sharing needs in the list will be increased year by year, forming a batch of typical cases and publicly releasing them.

Fifth, strengthen digital technology support. Research and formulate the standards for the joint construction and sharing of Big data platforms for telecommunications infrastructure, encourage all regions to actively promote the construction or upgrading of local platforms according to the standard requirements, strengthen the integration of platform system and facility resource information, strengthen the application of platform data, and carry out platform application evaluation. Carry out the digital guarantee improvement project, and by the end of 2025, all regions will complete the construction or upgrading of the Big data platform system for the co construction and sharing of telecommunications infrastructure in their own regions according to standards, basically realize the digital guarantee of the co construction and sharing process, and promote the innovative typical cases of the standardized construction and application of the platform.

The sixth is to optimize the "dual gigabit" network construction environment. Taking into account the comprehensive situation of facility planning, policy support, financial support, and assessment guidance in various regions, we will explore the development of "dual gigabit" network construction environmental assessment standards and indicators, organize and carry out assessment work, strengthen the publicity of assessment results, and promote excellent experiences and cases.

The Implementation Opinions emphasize the need to strengthen work security. One is to strengthen work collaboration, establish a cross industry coordination mechanism for co construction and sharing, formulate work plans, strengthen organizational deployment, refine division of responsibilities, and promote work implementation. The second is to establish a consultation mechanism, conduct professional analysis, provide consultation opinions, and refine dispute coordination and resolution plans. The third is to improve policy support, optimize and simplify approval procedures, shorten approval cycles, and encourage the free opening of facilities and resources owned by local government agencies and institutions to the construction of the "dual gigabit" network. The fourth is to carry out experience promotion, strengthen the excavation and cultivation of typical cases, and strengthen publicity and promotion. The fifth is to timely submit data, regularly review and summarize the progress of co construction and sharing work, and provide timely feedback. The sixth is to strictly supervise and assess, strengthen work coordination, strengthen process management, and organize secret visits, spot checks, and other activities to discover violations. Urge and guide the basic telecom operation enterprise group company and China Tower Co., Ltd. to implement the assessment requirements for the joint construction and sharing of telecom infrastructure.

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