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How to implement 10Base-T1L for single pair Ethernet?

The demand for higher data rates is increasing at the edge. With the decreasing space occupied by cameras and video systems, and their popularization in security, security and quality applications, their adoption has increased significantly, thus increasing the demand for data rate. In addition, other systems such as high-speed data recording equipment, embedded web server and monitoring system also put forward requirements for timely data transmission.

With the increasing number of nodes in the network, users are more determined to retain the existing ecosystem. Ethernet protocol and security layer, as well as well-known installation, maintenance and management processes, can effectively reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the network and optimize the return on investment (ROI).

Industrial applications focus on the 10Mbps network speed, because it is enough to solve the data rate and coverage problems in most current fieldbus applications.

In industrial applications, industrial Ethernet is sometimes called single pair Ethernet (SPE), which is often confused with conventional Ethernet. This architecture is derived from the standard in traditional local area network (LAN) applications, in which two or four pairs of twisted pairs are used to transmit data at 100Mbps (megabits per second) or 1000Mbps (megabits per second) respectively. The SPE uses only one pair of twisted pair cables, with communication speeds between 10Mbps and 10Gbps, and each cable follows a special standard.

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